As many of my friends, colleagues, and followers know, I’ve been working on the book Technical Blogging: Turn Your Expertise into a Remarkable Online Presence for the past few months.
I wrapped up writing a couple of weeks ago and the book is now headed into production phase, where any additional intervention on my part will be limited and the heavy lifting will be left to the fine folks at The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
Over two hundred and fifty pages is a lot of writing on any subject, no matter how much you love it, and I’m currently enjoy a bit of rest from this recent large scale project. This small break from writing has given me the opportunity to think about what I’d like to do next.
Despite being a very passionate programmer, a few years ago I caught the internet marketing bug. I’m thankful I did, as it has brought me plenty of satisfaction and many economical rewards as a web entrepreneur.
This is to say that I’m the rare breed of programmer who doesn’t despise or belittle marketing. Quite the opposite actually; I love it.
As such I realized that I’m not quite done talking about blogging and internet marketing; I’ve only began to delve into it. Therefore I’m launching this new blog, aptly named after my book, for the following three reasons:
- I want to share my knowledge about technical blogging with an as large audience as possible. While the book is admittedly selling extremely well even before it’s gone to print (it’s in beta as of December 2011), I’d like to reach an even larger group of people. Blogging is the best way I know of to achieve this goal.
- I’m a fan of eating my own dog food. Within the book I outlined a great plan to transform virtually anyone into a successful blogger. I have done it before, but I intend to follow my own plan and advice to the letter with this blog and showcase how things turn out.
- I’m a business man. There is plenty of money to be made by sharing your knowledge online through a blog. As I help other people do what I’m already doing with my technical blogs, I’ll also get to increase my influence and income through this blog as well.
The third point is self-serving, but there is nothing wrong with that. When you work hard at something, it’s totally fine for those who find value in what you do to end up rewarding you economically for all your diligent effort.
That’s the very spirit of entrepreneurship and much of what makes modern society a comfortable place to live.
Periodically I’ll detail the progress of this blog, in terms of statistics and perhaps earnings as well (as I touched on in the book regarding some of the other blogs I own).
For the time being, I encourage you to subscribe to this site via email or RSS feed, for free, insightful, no-fluff tips on how to become a successful blogger.
If you are not convinced, check out the about section where I outline my mission, what’s in store for you here, and who my target readers are.
Happy blogging!
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Feel free to use the comment section for questions about this project.
Thanks for your eccellent book and this new idea. I will follow you in your new adventure!
Thank you so much, Alberto.
I just got done reading the e-book. It is great, with just a few typos in the beta state. I am curious about a few things. I am using the same theme as you are as you suggested in the book forums. How do you get the your homepage to only show a summary for each post instead the full length posts?
Thanks, Patrick. The few typos have been ironed out thanks to beta readers and the few that remain will probably be spotted by a professional editor.
To show summaries on the homepage, simply go to Genesis -> Theme Settings and then select Display posts excerpts in the Content Archives section.
I bought the book, and am only on page 111, and all I can say is wow. After only a weekend of work based on the suggestions in the book thus far, my previous peak number of hits in a day has already become my new daily average. So much great information, and some of it on things I new were important (proper caching, backups, XML site maps), but had no clue how to accomplish. I can’t wait to read more and do even better. Thank You.
Thank you very much, Ember.
I will surely buy this book , because i have started my own programming blog and i want get huge traffice for my blog..
Hope this book will help me in getting the traffic