Blogging has given me a lot over the years. A job, extra income each month for well over a decade, the downpayment on a house, many freebies, to name just a few.
Still, when I look back for a moment, an unusual benefit sticks out. I’m talking about the gift of connection.
Maybe, it’s the busy way of modern life. Perhaps, it’s because I moved around a lot throughout my life. Or maybe it’s just me, but I wouldn’t say that it’s particularly easy to form meaningful connections in this day and age.
Though, I suspect I’m not alone. Consider this joke on Twitter.
Nobody talks about Jesus' miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s
— LEGO Joseph Smith (@Mormonger) March 18, 2018
I find that quite funny and relatable.
Yet, blogging has allowed me to connect with so many people over the years. Many became professional connections, several online acquaintances, but a few actually become good friends. Geography is still an issue, mind you, but the friendships are real nevertheless.
Now, I’m not telling you to start a blog or resume your existing one for the specific purpose of making friends. (Though, there would be nothing wrong with that.)
Instead, I’m suggesting friendship that goes beyond professional networking is a possible, even likely, outcome. And I consider that a great benefit for bloggers.
The key is to be approachable. Letting people know you can be reached by email or whatever channels you prefer. Respond to comments and interact with those who engage with you.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the amazing people reading your words unbeknownst to you. Over time, some may become invaluable friends.
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